small bomb explodes in Bangkok

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small bomb explodes in Bangkok

Post by izzix » September 1, 2008, 11:22 pm

Bangkok bomb raises fears of violent campaign

By Chalathip Thirasoonthrakul
Monday, September 1, 2008; 4:13 AM

BANGKOK (Reuters) - A small bomb exploded in a Bangkok police booth in the small hours of Monday as a stand-off between the Prime Minister and protesters occupying his office entered its seventh day with no sign of either side backing down.

A senior government source said the blast, which shattered nearby windows but caused no injuries shortly after 1 a.m. (2:00 p.m. EDT on Sunday), was a signal the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) was taking its campaign to another level.

"The PAD has launched a guerrilla war with us," the source, who asked not to be named, said.

Police echoed his comments, saying they believed it to be the work of agitators trying to depict the police as powerless in the face of the three-month PAD campaign to unseat the elected administration.

"They want to show that the government and the police are too weak to protect the people," national police spokesman Surapol Thuanthong told Reuters. "It is something we expected would have happened."

The PAD, a group of businessmen and activists whose campaign against former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra led to his overthrow in a 2006 coup, has always espoused peaceful protest.

However, last week's raid on a state television station by men armed with knives and golf clubs, as well as the protracted Government House occupation behind razor wire barricades, has brought this into question.

A PAD spokesman denied any responsibility.

"We had no reason to do that. It would only scare away protesters, not bring more people to join. We have other effective "civil disobedience" measures to fight the government without planting a bomb," Parnthep Pourpongpan said.


Tensions peaked on Friday when police used teargas and rubber bullets to repel 2,000 protesters trying to storm Bangkok police headquarters. Protesters also shut down three regional airports, all of which have since reopened.

Samak has said repeatedly that he would never bow to the PAD demands, and warned in his weekly radio address on Sunday that his patience was wearing out.

Bangkok bomb raises fears of violent campaign

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"I am not afraid, but I am concerned about chaos in the nation," he said. "We cannot let the seizure of Government House continue indefinitely without taking action."

Thai shares have fallen more than 23 percent since the protests began in May, and fell just over one percent on Monday, despite some better-than-expected inflation figures.

Nobody knows how the crisis will end but scenarios involve Samak or the PAD caving in, a coup, a police crackdown, a snap election, or even intervention by an individual Adulyadej.

The revered monarch has stepped into several disputes during his 60-year rule but normally only after bloodshed.

As well as accusing Samak of being an illegitimate proxy of Thaksin, the PAD proclaims itself to be a defender of an individual against a supposed Thaksin plan to turn Thailand into a republic.

Both accusations are denied by Samak and Thaksin, who skipped bail on graft charges and fled to London last month.

The PAD campaign against Samak, now in its 100th day, has sucked in support from a variety of state unions, leading to disruptions to rail and port services. Union leaders at state utilities have threatened to cut water and power supplies to government offices and buildings if the authorities use force against the PAD.

On Monday, Sirichai Maingam, union leader at state power producer EGAT, urged back-room staff to take a holiday but said production workers would carry on as normal.

"We are not going to hurt the people as our strike aim is to slow down the government's work," he said.

(Additional reporting by Nopporn Wong-Anan and Ed Cropley)

(Writing by Ed Cropley; Editing by Darren Schuettler and Bill Tarrant)

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beer monkey
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Re: small bomb explodes in Bangkok

Post by beer monkey » September 1, 2008, 11:39 pm

First i thought it said 'small bum explodes in bangkok' and thought that a certain board member was having wind problems again....that will teach me to speed read.
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Re: small bomb explodes in Bangkok

Post by Bandung_Dero » September 2, 2008, 7:10 am

State of emergency just declared. Here we go again. The army :fryingpan:
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Re: small bomb explodes in Bangkok

Post by mighty-chang » September 2, 2008, 7:50 am

make peace not war (as the chang smoke's the crack pipe) :ugly:

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Re: small bomb explodes in Bangkok

Post by mortiboy » September 2, 2008, 8:40 am

beer monkey wrote:First i thought it said 'small bum explodes in bangkok' and thought that a certain board member was having wind problems again....that will teach me to speed read.

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Re: small bomb explodes in Bangkok

Post by BKKSTAN » September 2, 2008, 9:29 am

I believe the bomb served the same purpose as the pro gov't supporters clashing with PAD!

Legitimizes the PMs call for emergency rule and might mobilize the police to act more aggressive against PAD!

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Re: small bomb explodes in Bangkok

Post by cali4995 » September 2, 2008, 1:32 pm

Call it what you want, I was flipping through the TV channels this morning and all
I saw were Thais marching down the street with wooden clubs in their hands and
then they showed ambulance workers attending to all their bloodied victims. Then,
on an international show, they were discussing the emergency decree business
and almost laughing at all the chaos. Thais themselves are their own worst enemy.

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